America’s space story stretches backto 1915.

Hundreds of thousandsof NASA photographsdocument...

everymission,discoveryand innovation

We analysed thesearchives usingmachine learning,

to present themin a new, surprisingway.

suit1606 images
port canaveral536 images
pilot2422 images
program1020 images
crew9579 images
astronauts8100 images
training session1097 images
area1988 images
one3621 images
photograph1245 images
orion2866 images
launch14791 images
kazakhstan4415 images
location2835 images
pad2260 images
laboratory3484 images
rocket9735 images
station4509 images
workers4022 images
technicians4846 images
part5483 images
training2180 images
discovery5254 images

NASA’s Visual Universe

To celebrate 60 years of NASA and 50 years of Project Apollo, the Google Arts & Culture Lab has created NASA’s Visual Universe - an experiment drawing on NASA’s vast image archive.

Using NASA’s public API, we explored 127,000 historic images stretching back to 1915, and analyzed them using machine learning - bringing surprising and interactive results.

We especially used Google Cloud Natural Language to extract keywords and information from the archive.

Explore NASA’s rich history of discoveries, missions, and science, search a term, and discover more about the world’s favorite space agency.

For more information on NASA and its missions, visit

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